Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chapter 6 - Christmas

Before I knew it Christmas was here. For what has happened during Thanksgiving, I am surprised time is passing so quickly.

Two weeks for Christmas break was already here and two days until Christmas. All I want from Santa this year is a journal and for nothing else to happen so that my family and I can just be happy. I seem to use my journals really fast and always seeming to buy new ones or asking for some new ones.

It was Christmas Eve morning and I woke up and it was snowing! I am so happy we are going to have a white Christmas this year because the last couple of years have just been rain! I took Rose out to build a snowman. She was so happy to play in the snow! It more turned out to be snow angels and throwing snow but we made a little tiny one that was probably about two feet high with twigs as arms and rocks as the buttons.

Later that day dad took us up to the mountains to get winter photos. We do this every year and we are lucky if we get a deer in the background of one of the photos. It doesn’t happen all the time but we were lucky two different years to have that happen.

Then that night we have a tradition that we get new pajamas each year that we get to open. My parents always try to do something different or crazy but yet try to do the same for each person in the family. Like last year it was Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse and Daffy Duck.


I was in a perfectly good dream and then I heard, “SHAYNA!!! SHAYNA!!! Get up, it’s Christmas! Santa came with lots and lots and lots of presents!”

I just barely got a glance at the time and she already had me pulled out of my bed! It was five in the morning. All I could think about was how tired I was while she was practically pulling a sleepy person up the stairs.

When we got up stairs I saw Ty, mom and dad were already up there waiting on me. I must have been the last person she got up.

“Mommy, Shay’s upstairs, now can we start opening presents now PLEASE!!!” said Rose.

“We can after we read the Christmas story, Rose.”

“Ohh okay mom.”

We read the Christmas story. My dad loves doing that. He does it a fun and special way. Since he teaches seminary, and he really knows the story, he will sit down on the floor with the nativity scene and use certain voices. He’s done it since I was little and he said he will do it till Grace is old enough to sit and listen to the story in the scriptures. I still love how he acts it out because it is really fun to watch but it brings a great spirit in the house also!

After my dad acted out the nativity scene and how Christ was born we were going to open presents! He always lets Rose get under the tree and grab out all the presents and lay them out in piles to which they belong. She always put the presents by the couch or chair to where Santa put his gifts for us. In my family it is always a tradition to start with the youngest and work to the oldest. Also we start with the smallest present and work to the biggest present. Grace got a bunch of Barbie dolls, Ty got a bunch of electronic games, and I got what I wanted with also a Camera. I never asked for it because it was a lot of money and I knew mom and dad didn’t have that kind of money. But why?

I paused a minute and just looked at it. I looked up at mom and dad and ran to them and said thanks!

“Mom! Dad! How did you know I wanted one? I’ve never said anything about wanting one.”

“We see you always looking and taking pictures with ours, so we decided to get you one!”

“Thank you so much mom and dad! This means so much to me thank you”

After we finished opening presents my dad made a Christmas breakfast which always contains ham and eggs and French toast! It is always the best.

We just spent the rest of the day playing with our new toys. I spent the day just taking pictures of my family and writing in my new journal.

December 25, 2005
Dear Journal,
My Christmas wish came true. My family is truly happy right now and it is as if nothing has ever happened, yet we all still fill the pain of losing all of our family and I am sure we will for a while. This has been such a good Christmas and I am so glad we were able to have it the way we did. I have felt the Lord’s hand with us the whole day. That is one reason why I think we weren’t as sad as we have been and we were able to enjoy this time to celebrate Christ’s birth but also be as a family.
P.S. It snowed! We were able to have a white Christmas!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chapter 5 - A Twinkle In His Eye

I have never seen my dad like this before. There is no sparkle in his eyes. He just isn’t his normal self.

Everybody sees it. Letters and money has been sent to us. Plus it has never had a return address on the envelope.

It has been two weeks since it has happened. Why has it affected him so much? I wish I could do something to help him out. I have been praying to hopefully find an answer. I just don’t know.


December finally hit and it was the first Sunday of the month. I was fasting, praying, hoping my dad would get the twinkle back in his eye.

You know how sometimes church seems really long? Well that was today. After church I told my dad that I was going to go for a walk. I walked around the neighborhoods just thinking, hoping to clear my mind.

It was about a hour and a half later I realized that I have walked back into the church. I found my dad sitting on the couch in the foyer.

“Dad what are you still doing here?”

He looked up at me and said, “Just trying to clear my head and figure things out.”

“Dad, let’s go home. Mom’s probably worried.”

We walked toward the doors slowly in the other side of the church that lead to our house.

While we were walking we pasted the relief society room and we heard someone playing the song, “I’ll build you a rainbow.” The other ward was in there. My dad stopped all of a sudden and was listening. When the song was done, he looked at me and smiled, giving me a hug and said, “Shayna I love you so much.”

“Dad I love you more than you know.”

As I said that I saw the twinkle in his eye coming back. Even though nothing will be as it used to, I know that the love my family has for each other will always be with us no matter what we face.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Chapter 4 - A Hard Week

When I woke up this morning I was kind of confused why I was in my room because the last thing I remembered was I was outside with my dad on the front porch. I then realized that after I fell asleep he carried me to my room. I think the reason to why he had me and him sit on the front porch so long is he knew I would eventually fall asleep sitting with him. I have fallen asleep many times that way before when I was younger. Also he knew if he would have just sent me down stairs to go to bed when he just told me what had happened I would have been up all night thinking.
Luckily it was Saturday because it was one in the afternoon when I woke up.

I went upstairs and Rose was watching a movie and there was a note on the counter. My parents and TJ went to make funeral arrangements. Also there was money for me to pay Sadie for watching Rose while I slept.

After I walked Sadie to the door I realized that the snow has not been shoveled yet. Since I knew it wasn’t going to get done, I figured I might as well get it done so mom and dad could pull into the driveway when they get home.

“Rose, how would you like to play I the snow while I shovel?”

“Yeah!!! I want to make snow angels.”

“Let’s go get your snow clothes on.”

While I was putting on Rose’s snow clothes, Rose caught me by surprise asking, “Shay, how come mommy and daddy look so sad? Is their hearts broken?”

I paused at looked straight in her beautiful brown eyes. I didn’t know how to answer to help her understand.

“Well…Rose there was an accident. Some bad people blew up Grandma and Grandpa’s big house. There was a lot of fire. Both Grandma’s and Grandpa’s, aunts and uncles, and cousins all died.”

“Are they in Heaven?”

“Yes they are.”

“I will miss them. But ok. I will be happy!”

All I could do is smile at her comment. I couldn’t even correct her on her grammar. She has such a wonderful happy spirit. That is why she is my favorite.

“Can we go play now Shay?”

“Yeah let’s go.”

I started shoveling and I couldn’t believe how much snow there was. There was at least a foot and a half and the ground since mom, dad and TJ left. What made it worse was it was the heavy snow. Not the fluffy, light snow.

I had to shovel my way out of the garage because it was so high and so heavy. I had to walk over all the snow just to put it on the lawn. So basically I was packing all the snow down I haven’t shoveled yet.

In just a half hour Rose wanted to go watch a movie. I put one on for her and then went back outside. In just that half hour of starting I wasn’t even an eighth done with the front. I still had the back to do. The only reason I am doing this is because we have to get it done. From how I feel of learning that all my family got killed, right now I don’t want to be doing this at all.

In about an hour I was about a fourth done with the front. I just couldn’t do it. It’s just all I think about is, why did they have to kill my family?

Tears started coming from my eyes. My body just collapsed right down onto my knees with my hands still holding onto the shovel. The tears fell freely down my face. My hearts was crying out to Heavenly Father asking for his help to get through this. The only thing is I couldn’t find the words. I had nothing. I felt so alone, afraid, sad.

Right then a hand touched my shoulder and I looked up and it was all the seminary teachers from my school. They all brought shovels with them.

“Shayna, your dad called and told us what happened. He said he wouldn’t be able to come in this week. He wanted us to all check on you to see if you were alright and hanging in there. He also wanted us to tell you that they took TJ with them. Are you ok?” said Brother McNally.

I looked into his eyes and locked back down and shook my head. “I don’t know. I just don’t know.”

The others took their shovels and started shoveling the yard. Brother McNally helped me stand up and we walked into the garage and sat down and talked.

“I just don’t get it Brother McNally, did we do something wrong for this to happen? Do you have someone that wants us dead because of what my dad did years ago? Why?”

“Your dad didn’t want you to know this until you were in college or married so that you wouldn’t have to worry. When your parents decided to adopt Rose, they knew there would be trouble coming a couple years later. Rose’s dad used to be in a gang when he was your age. But then he met this girl who soon later became his wife. She changed his life around. He dropped out of the gang, started going to church again, eventually got married in the temple and started having a family. The one thing was is that if you dropped out of the gang they usually would kill you and all related to you. They shot them but they knew they missed hitting Rose. They soon found out that your parents took her in so they were trying to get her still and that is why your dad has been so protective all of these years. He couldn’t watch Rose going to a foster home. That is why he took her in. He wants to be sure that you guys are safe.


This week has gone by so slow. I have gone to school every day this week. It’s as if my life shut down. I just can’t seem to talk to anyone…especially my friends. They try to talk to me but I just seem to stare into space as if I didn’t notice them talking to me. I guess the best way to explain it, is as if my life has frozen in time.

Even my most favorite class this week which is seminary isn’t the same either. I go but just can’t stay there. I seem to spend most my time in the hall.

“Brother McNally? What’s wrong with Shayna? She won’t talk and she doesn’t seem to be here. I mean…” said her good friend Krystal.

“I understand. She’s here but she is not here as herself. As you have heard about what happened to her family. Well it’s really affecting her. She’s in shock. The best thing we can do is be there for her and talk to her. Even if she seems like she’s not listening she really is.”

One of her class mates Katie raised her hand and said, “Let’s do something for her. Let’s do a fundraiser and help her family with funeral expenses or for whatever.”

“Great idea Katie.” The bell rang…”Class your excused.” said Brother McNally.

Brother McNally walked over towards me after all the students left the class. He sat down on the floor next to me.

Shayna, I know this is hard but just remember Families are forever. No matter how or what happens we will always be together with our families. They are up in Heaven watching over you and your family right this minute.

Brother McNally got up and started walking away.

I then realized that what he said was true. I stood up and said, “Brother McNally. Thank you.” I ran over to him and threw my arms around him and gave him a hug. Those words that he said to me meant so much. It helped me remember what I have always believed in since Rose came to my family.

After this hard week I finally was starting to act myself. Yes, days were harder than others but since I knew that I will always be with my family it didn’t hurt as much. I kind of feel back to my normal self.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chapter 3 - An Unforgettable Thanksgiving

“Dad, how come you are having me stay home with Rose while all of you go to Grandma and Grandpa’s for Thanksgiving Day? I won’t even be able to see all of my cousins and…”

“Shayna hold your horses a second and let me explain. Rose is attached to you like no other. Your mom and I asked her who she wants and Rose wants you.”

“Dad but I want to have some fun this break off of school.”

“Shay, I know you do a lot for us with Rose but we will do something for you if you take care of her since she has the flu. Promise”

“Ok, dad I will.” I really didn’t want to but I did it to make my parents happy.

“Thanks Shay. Love you tons. Call us if you have any concerns or if Rose gets worse.”

My dad, mom and TJ all left out the drive way towards my grandparent’s house in Ogden, Utah. Rose was lying on the couch watching her favorite movie Pocahontas. She can watch that over and over and over again.

“Shayna can you hold me? I am cold.”

“Yeah Rose I will.”

I walked over to the couch and held her. Rose fell asleep. I carried her down the hall to her bed and put her there to sleep. She slept for a good three hours.

While Rose was sleeping I decided that I might as well get on the computer. I checked my email, updated my blog, and got on facebook. Big surprise! No one was on chat. Well since there was nothing to do on facebook I decided to just run on the treadmill. I guess I will just get in a work out today. Running 4 miles is my limit right now but I want to get higher in my miles.

After I ran I decided to watch some tv even though there would be nothing on most likely. Good thing Rose came out the instant I sat down.

You could tell she felt a little better. I made Rose some jello. The only way Rose will eat jello is if it is freshly made and hasn’t settled. She loves it when it’s liquid. I am so glad that she drank it because she wouldn’t eat or drink anything at all today.


It was about 8 o’clock at night when my parents and Ty got home. Rose was a sleep and I was reading my scriptures for the night. You know how you get that feeling that something’s wrong and you haven’t heard of anything yet? Well I’ve got that feeling. I began to get butterflies in my stomach and my heart was racing.

My parents and Ty walked in. They were silent with their heads down and they all looked really sad. I could tell mom has been crying for a long time now. Her eyes were swollen and red. Especially when my mom really never cries or at least I have never seen her cry in front of someone before.

“Dad, what happened? What’s wrong? Please tell me.”

“Robert not tonight. She won’t be able to sleep.”

“Lori it’s ok. She needs to know.”

“Shayna grab your coat and slippers and we will go outside on the front porch and talk.”

My heart was pounding so much as I walked down the stairs to my bedroom. I didn’t want to hurry. I figured my dad could use some time. Anyways I got my slippers and my coat. I grabbed my beanie while I was at it just because there is snow outside.

I went back up stairs and found my dad already outside. I opened the door slowly, standing there as if I was frozen in time, staring at my dad. He was sitting there with his elbows on his knees crying into his hands silently. I finally shut the door, walked over and sat right next to him, putting my arms around him. He turned to me wrapping his arms around me also, putting his head on my shoulder and still cried. I just sat there and let my dad cry.

My dad finally sat up and he looked in my eyes. The twinkle in his eyes was gone. He looked sad, alone, and maybe even afraid. I have never seen him this way before.

“Dad what happened? What’s wrong?”

My dad took a deep breath and said, “Shayna we were on the street driving to your grandparents house and we were almost there and”….my dad paused seeming to stare in space and said…”someone blew up their house by explosives. It was in flames by the time we got down the road. Your mom’s side of the family was there too. No one made it out alive. Forty seven people died plus some of their neighbors were injured.

“Dad… is the people that did this coming after us to?” I said crying.

“I don’t know Shay. I just don’t know.”

Dad and I just sat there for the next couple hours in silence. It was about eleven o’clock when I heard the front door open and then shut again. Neither dad nor I looked. I knew it was mom and that she was going to just let us be alone.

I put my head down on my dad’s shoulder. I closed my eyes and was just thinking about everything that happened. Before I knew it I was asleep.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chapter 2 - Monday

Chapter 2 – Monday

Well the one thing I hate is having to wake up on a Monday morning at 5:45 a.m. It’s only because you get the weekend to sleep in. Then it is hard to get up that morning so early.

The bright side of all of this is I get to start my day out with family scripture study. I love how my family and I get to learn more about Christ but also we get to hang out as a family. The best part is I get to have my dad as a seminary teacher, teach us in the morning. I walk up the stairs and see my dad.

“Hi Dad. How are you this morning?”

“Wonderful Shayna. It amazes me how happy you can be to start out each morning this early.”

“Dad you know why. It’s because I have such a loving family, and the love of Christ in my life.”

“And that’s why you’re my favorite daughter.”

After scripture study we had some cinnamon pancakes with white chocolate chips in them. These are my favorite. Each day of the week my mom makes one of our favorite breakfast meals. Monday’s are my day.

Then I had to get ready and leave for school at 7 o’clock a.m. I get to Wallcreek High and go to my locker. I grab the stuff I need for that day out of my locker and then just walk around to find friends to talk to before the bell rings to go to class.

Normal day of school as usual for me. I always have no homework because all of my teachers hate giving it this year.

The most fun part of my day is probably lunch because I get to talk to my friends. But the best part is we always hang out at the seminary building because my dad is there and he teaches my friends. My friends love asking him questions during lunch and basically have a debate class against him. Funny thing is my dad always seems to win on any subject!

Finally school gets out and I get to go to work. Nice thing is I don’t have to drive far to work at all. I work over at the onion factory. Don’t ask me why but my eyes never water from the onions. For some reason they don’t bug me. Maybe that’s because I am always around them.

Basically at work they have me put the onions in boxes so that they can ship them out. I love the job. I get ten dollars an hour, working Monday through Friday and only four hours each day. I get holidays and weekends off.

Today at work we had a party because next week is Thanksgiving weekend. Yeah we did celebrate it early this time but I don’t mind.

I got home from work about 7:15 p.m. Even though during school it might be harder to hold family home evening we still manage to do a five minutes lesson at least. Tonight Rose picked the song and she wanted to sing “Families can be Together Forever.” She doesn’t know the words really but I think she just loves listening to the words while we sing this song. This is one of my most favorite songs in the Primary Children’s song book. It makes me tear up every time we sing it because of us adopting Rose. Also this taught me so much more about why families are forever and it just really touches me.

After Family Home Evening we all went to bed at 9-9:30 p.m. because we get up early to read the scriptures. Rose goes to bed though about 8:30 p.m. She always has me sing the Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Then she always has me read her a book. But today we read a Halloween one. It is her favorite season even if Halloween is past.

“Rose, Good Night! I love you lots. See you in the morning!”

“Night Night Shayna! Said Rose.


I walked up the stairs to where I found a light still on. Usually there is no one awake this late but I happened to find my mom up.

“Shayna, How come you are not asleep yet? It’s 11:00 p.m.”

“I just couldn’t sleep. I was wondering what makes Rose attached to me so much? I mean I love her so much. I just don’t see how she is attached to the rest of the family like she is to me.”

“Shayna, it’s because you are so kind. You have such a gentle, loving touch about you. You glow with the Light of Christ. She can see it in you.”

“Thanks Mom. Love you.”

“Good Night Shay.”

Friday, October 29, 2010

Chapter 1 - My Family

Everything in my life is perfect. Or at least it seems like it. It is the way any seventeen year old would want life to be. Junior year of high school, being tons of fun goofing around, and playing games with friends and doing the craziest things ever. There is no drama between any of your friends. Being able to have friends wanting the same standards as you in the gospel and just life. Always hanging out and eating lunch together as friends. But the most important is my family. They mean everything to me. All of us love the gospel so much. We love the fact that we can and will be together forever. I am so happy!

I guess it would be smart to tell you about my family. My mom is tall with long, brown, wavy hair. My mom is the coolest, nicest, sweetest, and the most fun person to be around. All the neighborhood kids love to play a soccer game with her being on their team. Funny thing is she can’t be on both teams if you play the real way soccer is supposed to be played. Yet she manages to play on both teams. Everybody loves her to death. My mom is the kind of person you can go to, and talk to about anything. She is always there to listen. She always does the little things that most people won’t notice and yet always manages to never have the person know it was her.

Next is my dad. My dad is my hero and I don’t know if he knows that or not. I watch his every move. He always knows if something is wrong or if something is on your mind. Never ceases to amaze me that he will just ask flat out if something is wrong or if you need to talk. He is always helping someone and the age never matters. My dad is so caring about everything and everybody. My dad is a seminary teacher and he loves it with all of his heart. Everybody always says he is the coolest ever. I know that for a fact that this is a true statement. My dad’s name is Robert Benning or as his seminary students calls him, Brother Benning.

Also I have a little brother Tyler James. I also call him Ty and also TJ. But Tyler likes TJ better. Just depending on the moment. He is sixteen and so protective about me and cares how I feel. He always can tell if I am sad or not. TJ also won’t let anyone say mean things to me. But yes TJ can be obnoxious too. The one thing I love doing most with TJ is while he plays the piano I love to sing. He has the most amazing talent at the piano. He can learn a song so fast. I love my brother.

I also have a sister Rose. Rose is four years old. The reason for the big gap between our ages is that my parents adopted her two years ago when she was 2 years old. Her parents died from a drive by shooting. I didn’t know why it happened. All I could think is they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Rose is my favorite. She loves to come with me everywhere and loves when I play games and read her books. She has the most pretty black, tight curled hair ever. I am so jealous of it!

But I guess it is about time I should introduce myself. Hi, I am Shayna and I am seventeen years old. I am a junior in high school and it’s only been two months since school has started. Actually today is my Birthday, October eleventh and I am finally eighteen years old. I am so happy. Some of the things I love to do is sing and play the piano. I also love to run! Running is my passion. It is something I will always do. If you got stuff on your mind it lets you forget about it. If you have a lot of stress it relieves some of it. Mostly because I just feel free. Free from everything in this world. My life is just great. I don’t think it could get any better because I have all I ever need right here and now!

This is my life story.

Shayna's Life Turn

This is the cover I like for my story! Thanks to my friend Carina Brown for letting me use this picture and helping me get the blog Started! She took this at Antelope Island with some friends!

Welcome to A Crystal Clear Story

Hey Everyone I am starting to write a story! I decided to place it on here so if you want to follow along you can. Also feedback would be great to hear how my story is turning out!

My Story is called, "Shayna's Life Turn". It is about an 17 year old girl name Shayna and she thought life was just perfect. Then something happens that she thought would never. It tries her Faith in what she believes and she tries to work through it!